What information do I need to order contact lenses?
We’ve made it extra easy to order contact lenses when ordering through us. To process your order we need your order information, and the name and phone number of your eye doctor. We can do the rest for you. Your order info consists of 1) the patient’s name 2) your lens order 3) credit card information. Your eye doctor is the only other information needed, including their name and contact info. Providing us with your official lens prescription is NOT required to create an order with us, as we can do the verification for you. To begin an order, it can be helpful to know your prescription and that can be conveniently determined from the packaging of your current contact lens box. Our customer care representatives can assist you in understanding your lens information as well. Be aware that eye care professionals are required to provide you with a copy of your prescription upon request. Be sure it contains all the necessary information, including expiration date, and is signed by your eye care professional. But again, when ordering through Lens.com, that copy is NOT required to place an order as we can perform the verification of your prescription for you.
Below is information to help you understand terms on your prescription or lens packaging (we can perform the prescription verification for your convenience, if needed):
OD = Right Eye
OS = Left Eye
Brand Name (e.g. Acuvue)
BC / Base Curve (a number between 8.0 and 10.0)
DIA / Diameter (a number between 13.0 and 15.0)
Power / Sphere / Rx (a number between -20 and +20)
For astigmatic patients, we also need:
Cylinder (a number between -8.00 and +4.00)
Axis (a number between 0 and 180)
Cylinder and Axis are usually separated by "X" and read as "times"
A regular prescription would look like this:
OS Brand Name: Acuvue
OS BC: 8.8 DIA: 14.4 SPHERE: -2.50
OD Brand Name: Optima FW
OD BC: 8.4 DIA: 14.0 SPHERE: -2.75
A prescription for astigmatism would look like this:
OS Brand Name: Acuvue Toric
OS BC: 8.8 DIA: 14.4 SPHERE: -2.50
OS CYL & AXIS:- 1.25 X 180œ
OD Brand Name: Focus Toric
OD BC: 8.7 DIA: 14.0 SPHERE: -4.50
OD CYL & AXIS:- 0.75 X 95œ
This information may appear complicated but in fact it is very straightforward. Just consult your current contact lens packaging for reference. If you need more assistance please contact our Customer Service Department.
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