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How does the Order Status Page Work? wants to keep its customers as informed as possible about their order. The Order Status page monitors our system and constantly updates the information so that we offer a great deal of information about the order as it passed through the Order Process.

The Order Status page shows you all of your orders (past and present) identified by Order #, date, Shipping Address, and amount spent. Once you have located the order you are looking for then you can look at the next column. The Order Status column shows that order's position in the process.

The following is an explanation of the order statuses

  • New- At this stage your order has been logged into our computer system but not yet downloaded to the warehouse.

  • Processing - At this stage your order has been downloaded to our warehouse system and is being assembled in preparation for shipping. Processing times vary according to product availability. For further information about Product Availability you can read Product Availability.

  • Shipped - At this stage your order has left the warehouse. Refer to your chosen shipping method for an estimate on how long until you will receive your order.

  • Cancelled - If you have elected to delete an order (and contacted a phone representative) the order will appear as Cancelled on your Order Status page.

  • Returned - If you have elected to return an order than the order will appear as Returned on your Order Status page once it has been logged into our warehouse.

If you have any further questions about the Order Status page please contact our Customer Service Department for assistance.

More about Order Information

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1-800 LENS.COM (536-7266)

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