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Optimum Classic

Optimum Classic

$33.99 Lowest price


Optimum Classic Contact Lenses 1 vial - 1 lens - 12 month supply

Optimum Classic
Rating: 8.8/10  5 Reviews
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$33.99 Lowest price

Reg: $105.00

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Optimum Classic Specifications & Parameters

Manufacturer: Contamac U.S.
Lens type: Gas Permeable
Each box contains: 1 lenses, a 12-month supply
Water Content: 0%
Material type: RGP
Oxygen transmissibility: 26 Dk/t
Can be worn overnight?: No
Recommended wearing time: Daily
Replacement schedule: Annually
Availability: Made to order
Cost per day: $0.09
Customer rating: 8.8/10
Visibility tinted: Yes
Blocks UV: Yes
Includes wetting agent: No
Special features: Made from Roflufocon B makes handling contact lenses simple and durable that they hold their shape over time, which helps maintain eye comfort and clarity
% Lens Material: 100% roflufocon B
Lens design: Toric
Production method: Cast molded
Lens Colors: Blue, Green, Grey, Light Blue

Product Information

Hard contact lenses probably don’t come to mind when you think of comfortable contacts. Some people remember the discomfort of the early hard contacts and other people hear the word “hard” and associate it with discomfort. The truth is that rigid gas permeable contact lenses, like Optimum Classic contact lenses, are astonishingly comfortable and deliver crisp vision with exceptional breathability. A major contributor to the comfort of rigid gas permeable contact lenses is their extreme breathability. One might not expect it of a rigid lens, but hard contact lenses let through higher levels of oxygen than many kinds of soft lenses. When eyes get the air they need they remain healthy and have a bright, clear appearance. With their high Dk rating, Optimum Classic lenses are incredibly breathable and keep eyes looking and feeling great all day long.

There are a lot of great soft lenses on the market that provide clear vision to many people, but if you’re looking for a higher level of sharpness, then a custom made lens is likely your best option. Optimum Classic lenses by Contamac U.S., are made to order. This means that they are built to suit the specific vision needs of the wearer.

Similarly, those who need to address more than one vision issue will likely find that hard contact lenses are better suited to their needs. Anyone can see improvement in clarity when they switch to hard lenses, though. With their custom fit they remain quite stable on the eye, which means that the precise vision is consistent.

Unlike soft contacts, RGP contact lenses are made completely of polymer. The type used in Optimum Classic lenses is called roflufocon B. This substance makes handling your contact lenses amazingly simple. Optimum Classic contact lenses are not only very durable, but they also hold their shape over time, which helps maintain eye comfort and clarity. Of course, as with other RGP contact lenses, Optimum Classic lenses must be taken out, cleaned, and stored at the end of each day to keep lenses in good shape and eyes healthy. If maintained properly, a set of Optimum Classic contact lenses can last up to a year, which can be a big money saver.

Optimum Classic FAQs

Where can I buy Optimum Classic contacts?

You can buy Optimum Classic contacts online, at some stores, or from your ECP. offers some of the lowest prices and rebates.

Can I buy Optimum Classic for someone else?

Yes, you can purchase Optimum Classic contacts for someone else. Simply provide their prescription details and ECP's contact info, and will handle the rest.

How do I buy Optimum Classic contacts online?

To buy Optimum Classic contacts online, you'll need a credit card, the quantity you want, and your eye doctor's name. We can confirm your prescription with your doctor, or you can upload a physical copy. If you need assistance, our Customer Service team is available to help.

Are online Optimum Classic contact lenses the same as from your eye doctor?

Yes, Optimum Classic contacts from are the same lenses sold by your ECP, but at a discounted price due to lower operating costs.

How do I read my Optimum Classic prescription?

Optimum Classic prescriptions include power, base curve, diameter, and more. Check out our guide on reading your contact lens prescription for more info.

Can I renew my Optimum Classic RX/prescription online?

Yes, you can renew your Optimum Classic prescription online through in just 10 minutes. Check if the service is available in your state.

How to tell if my Optimum Classic contacts are inside out?

Optimum Classic contacts feel uncomfortable if worn inside out. They may move too much or even pop out. Some lenses have an inside-out mark to help you check.

Can I be allergic to Optimum Classic contacts?

Optimum Classic lenses are hypoallergenic, but buildup on the lenses can cause reactions. If you experience symptoms, remove your contacts and consult your ECP.

Can Optimum Classic contacts expire?

Like all contact lenses, Optimum Classic lenses do expire. The expiration date will be stamped on the box itself or on the aluminum fold of the blister pack in either a YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format. Typically, the expiration date for contacts is several years after the date of packaging.

Who makes Optimum Classic contacts?

Optimum Classic contacts are made by Contamac U.S., and sold on

How should I store my Optimum Classic contact lenses?

Daily lenses should be discarded after use. Weekly and monthly lenses can be stored in contact solution in a tightly closed case for their recommended duration.

Where can I buy Optimum Classic contacts near me?

Optimum Classic contacts can be bought at eyewear stores or ECP offices, but the lowest prices are often online at, due to lower overhead.

Do I need a prescription, or a copy of my prescription in order to buy Optimum Classic?

Yes, you need a valid prescription to buy Optimum Classic contacts, but you don't need a hard copy. can verify it with your ECP.

Optimum Classic Reviews


Great service

I had an issue with the lenses that I ordered and they were quickly replaced after one phone call. Very happy with their response.

Lulu Chandler

Excellent Service and Product

Order was completed quickly and RGP Contact lenses fit properly. Excellent service and product.

Lulu Chandler

Ok not perfect

A bit hard on the eye but ok otherwise


No More Eye Drops!

I have never worn a gas permeable contact lens as comfortable as the Optimum Classic. It feels great when I put it into my eye and it stays that way throughout the entire day. My eyes are never irritated by this contact lens so they never get bloodshot which keeps them looking great. I don't even need to use eye drops anymore!


Optimum Classic is my contact lens for life

The Optimum Classics fits all of my optical needs. Previous to this lens I have been using soft contact lens but progressively my eye prescription got worse and worse and soft contact lens could no longer precisely correct my vision. I was considering getting Lasik surgery but soon found out that the surgery will only correct my existing condition and it will not prevent future declines in my vision. My optometrist decided that the best optician for me would try gas permeable lenses and he was right. Not only do they offer a great correction for my vision, they have also seemed to stabilize it since I started wearing theses contacts my prescription has not changed.
