Best Price Guarantee. Our Mission: To Deliver the Best Prices, Anywhere.
At we check the prices of all major online, and retail contact lens distributors on a routine basis. On average our customers tell us that our prices are 15% less than any other reputable online vendors. We have also found that our prices are an average of 50% less than visiting your local optician or eye care professional's office. The reason we can do this is volume, we are fast becoming one of the Web's largest online retailers of contacts. When you add in the fact that we deliver your contact lenses right to your door, the choice is clear. Save time, save money, try us, we want to earn your trust.
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1-800 LENS.COM (536-7266)
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Shop with Confidence
All personal information is encrypted and secure
We guard your information with the highest level of protection tested daily
We accept all major credit cards and these online payment methods - Online 24/7.
Spam-free Email
All your email preferences can be managed from the 'My Account' tab at the top of the page.
Your Lenses are Ready
With over 17 Million contact lenses in stock, we immediately fill your order with your exact prescription.
Over 7.5 million successful orders delivered!